Menongue fish farming project / cuando cubango

Challenges: Limited Access to Fresh Fish in Cuando Cubango Province

The Cuando Cubango province faces a pressing challenge of insufficient access to fresh fish products. This scarcity is primarily attributed to its geographical isolation from coastal areas and the associated logistical hurdles. As a result, the local population is deprived of a consistent source of fresh seafood, impacting their diet and nutrition.

Solution: Menongue Fish Farming Project – Tilapia Larvae Farming Center

To address the scarcity of fresh fish products and improve the nutritional situation in Cuando Cubango, the Menongue Fish Farming Project proposes a comprehensive solution:

  • Tilapia Larvae Farming Center: Establishing a dedicated center for tilapia larvae farming is a crucial step. This center will facilitate the controlled and efficient breeding of tilapia fingerlings, ensuring a consistent supply of young fish for aquaculture.
  • Breeding and Production of Tilapia Fingerlings: The project aims to produce a significant quantity of tilapia fingerlings, ensuring a reliable source of fish for both consumption and further aquaculture development.
  • Culture and Fattening in Tanks: Implementing advanced aquaculture techniques, the project will culture and fatten the tilapia in specially designed tanks. This controlled environment promotes optimal growth and health of the fish.
  • Production of Fish Feed: The project will also focus on producing high-quality fish feed, suitable for both internal use and commercialization. This approach ensures that the fish are well-nourished, resulting in better growth and quality.
  • Vocational Training Center: A vocational training center will be established to educate local communities about modern aquaculture practices. This center will equip individuals with practical skills and knowledge to engage in fish farming effectively.

Impact: Positive Outcomes for Food Security and Socioeconomic Development

The Menongue Fish Farming Project is poised to bring about a range of impactful changes in Cuando Cubango province:

  • Improving Food Security: By introducing a consistent supply of high-quality protein through fresh fish products, the project will significantly enhance the food security of the region. The availability of nutritious seafood will contribute to a more balanced and diverse diet for the local population.
  • Enhanced Nutrition: With increased access to fresh fish, the nutritional intake of the local population, especially children, will witness improvement. The essential nutrients present in fish will have a positive impact on overall health and development.
  • Employment Opportunities: The establishment of the fish farming project will create new employment opportunities within the region. This infusion of jobs will contribute to economic growth and alleviate unemployment concerns.
  • Catalyst for Aquaculture Development: The success of this project is expected to stimulate the growth of aquaculture in the region. Other aquaculture farms can benefit from the supply of tilapia fingerlings, fish rations, and the practical knowledge imparted by the vocational training center.

the Menongue Fish Farming Project is poised to bridge the gap in fresh fish availability, enhance nutritional well-being, generate employment, and foster broader aquaculture development in Cuando Cubango province. Through its holistic approach, the project promises a transformative impact on both the diet and the socioeconomic landscape of the region.